Our Philosophy

We hate to break this to you, but our IT philosophy isn’t very sexy. Copo Computers puts practicality, functionality, and reliability over funky, cutting edge components that are, admittedly pretty cool. Yet being cool isn’t as cool as being productive. At least we think so.

And guess what? Customer service is alive and well at Copo Computers. We believe in prompt, clear communication with our clients so they stay in the loop. We may not have all of the answers and options immediately, but we will stay connected to you so that you can make informed, timely decisions on your IT infrastructure.


iOS SDK, Android SDK, Windows Phone SDK

iOS SDK, Android SDK, Windows Phone SDK

SQLite, Core Data, Lucene

SQLite, Core Data, Lucene

SQLite, Core Data, Lucene

Words We Live By


Aenean elementum, velit at porttitor pretium, elit libero condimentum purus, sed pharetra eros velit vitae leo. Phasellus rhoncus, sem in finibus dignissim, nunc urna semper ante, eget viverra mi nisl vitae lectus.


Donec porta sollicitudin mauris, at sodales lacus aliquet a. Praesent mollis tempus ante eget dapibus. Phasellus cursus ultrices nisi, quis auctor sapien posuere in.


Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin ac ultricies ex, in finibus libero.


Mauris sit amet quam enim. Fusce vel imperdiet orci. Aenean id quam non lorem condimentum venenatis. Nam ut dolor ullamcorper, imperdiet nunc vitae, pellentesque purus.


Duis vulputate eu risus eu sollicitudin. Mauris nisi lectus, pharetra eget leo id, hendrerit ultricies magna. Duis bibendum quam in elit accumsan, quis maximus urna venenatis.

So if you are looking for an IT resource that puts the emphasis on up-time and your productivity, we should have a talk.

The best time to address IT issues is before there is a failure, stoppage, or loss. 

Take the next step, reach out, and we’ll where you’re at and where you’re trying to go.